For an entity, the ability to prove that it is who it is claiming to be, is an essential requirement for accessing services needed for its survival. For humans, Identity is a prerequisite for getting education, owning any property and of course for voting.
A correct Identity representation can enable just, secure services delivery, whereas, a flawed Identity representation could arm malicious actors to create synthetic Identities and rob genuine entitled users from their rightful services. In physical world, our senses help us identify other humans, things and so on. They make us intelligent and enables trust in the overall social fabric. In digital world, anybody can become anybody. Making copies of anything becomes very real. This makes it difficult to incorporate trust in the digital systems.
To address this challenge, we must ask the most fundamental question about an entity: “What makes you, you?"

Object representation is the definition of Digital Identity, the current representation scheme needs rethinking as they are "identifier" based and can be an partial representation of an object (being represented) at best.

Database Models (DB/ LDAP)
Primarily the identity is defined as a "Identifier" and attributes are stored in database where there is weak/ non-provable association.
Identifiers are typically public and hence attacker either just need to steal the other part of "what you know"
Weaker attribute association puts the control in the hand of storage owner and can lead to identity compromise, privacy issues and non-repudiation is out of question.

Trust Chain Model
With the advent of PKI the world was relieved that provable identity model is not available.
However the mechanism is depedent on trust chain, any break in trust chain and there could be questions on identity infrastructure.
Further the atribute association is still database driven stored by the certifying authority as need be.
Population scale is still unimaginable with such trust infra as it is cubersome to manage.

Blockchain Based Models
Self Soverign identity models are gaining some momentum and trying to address the gap left by other models. The issues still remains
While the promise of privacy and stronger attribute association can be addressed by the model. The model is dependent on the distributed compute and consensus algorithms.
The Web2.0 is here to stay and usage of self-soverign identity models is big question mark in enterprise and government domain. Non-withstanding performance and scalability of such model.

What Is I-AM® Identity?
The I-AM® identity model comes with novel “Cryptographic Markov Chain" a family of functions for the digital representation of an object. It takes care of all the properties required for true object representation.
It includes,
Attribute/ event provable association,
Provable verifiability,
Control of physical world entity.
Additionally, since it is designed as cryptographic primitive, it can work with centralized or distributed systems alike.
Challenges and the solution

Lack of Trust
In the physical world, our senses assist us identifying and connecting with other humans, things and so on. They contribute to our make us intelligence and enable trust in the overall social fabric. However, in a digital world, anyone can become anybody. With duplication becoming so real, incorporating and garnering trust in the digital system becomes a difficult task.

I-AM® Identity Cryptographic Identity
I-AM® brings provable verifiability of the object attributes. These are further, verified by multiple entities and made available to the relying party.

Apart from self-sovereign identity models and other complex blockchain implementations, addressing privacy issues at the population scale is very difficult. As the privacy regulations get stringent across the world, enterprises are having real challenge at their hands.

I-AM® Identity Cryptographic Identity
The cryptographic design is such that it ensures that the control of identity and related data always stays with the identity owner. Hence, I-AM® Identity is privacy by design.

A correct identity representation can enable, secure service delivery, whereas a flawed one could arm malicious actors into creating synthetic identities and rob genuine entitled users of their rightful services.

I-AM® Identity Cryptographic Identity
I-AM® Identity is a tamperproof cryptographic object that, when combined with quantum-safe authentication protocol, delivers unparallel security.

Identity has to be portable across the digital context, otherwise, it can not only pose difficulties for enterprises to integrate with each other but can also create tremendous user friction.

I-AM® Identity Cryptographic Identity
I-AM® Identity is designed to be used across digital contexts and is portable.

One Representation
Unless the identity infrastructure converges, there will be disparate identity systems for humans, enterprises, digital entities, and things. These will always lead to problems of integration (e.g., IT and OT), delegation and so on.

I-AM® Identity Cryptographic Identity
I-AM® is imagined as a universal model of embedded cryptographic identity with superior functions like attribute chain, delegation, and provable verifiability that can represent any real-world or digital entity.