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I-AM® Multifactor Authentication

  • I-AM® Cryptographic Identity is designed to serve as a central nerve system forming the basis of our Zero Trust Model.

  • The I-AM® Multifactor Authentication is an Identity Centric cryptographic service that inherently embeds mutual authentication by design to ensure the security of both parties.

  • Provides seamless integration capabilities including no-code integration for AD and standards support.


How does it work?

 Simple User Onboarding

Onboarding the users is just an API call away, alternatively automated onboarding is also available both for customers and the workforce (LDAP).

No-code integration for an active directory-based workforce ensures hassle-free go-live with API support available for other applications.  

Self-Service Provisioning

The easy-to-use self-service workflow mechanisms not only enhance the digital experience but also provide full control to the end users thereby reducing operational overheads for the organizations.

Deployment Options

Flexible deployment options are available - Cloud/ On-Premise/ Hybrid.

Based on the data security and integration requirements our team shall propose the most suitable option.

For most of the applications, integration and deployment time is a few hours.

Authentication Types Available

  • Push Notification

  • Softtoken (Offline token)

  • SMS Token

  • Email Token

  • On Device Biometric 

  • QR Code 

  • Device implicit trust based

  • KBA 

Embedded Cryptographic Handshake
Improves the security of the target digital service and the users alike. 
With a variety of integration options available the go-to-market is easy and fast.

Download I-AM® Password Free Brochure

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